Loxlea Creative boasts a vibrant and bustling production calendar, driven by the creative energy of Laine. She always has new projects in the works, keeping the momentum alive. Currently, her exciting endeavors include the Australian season of her internationally successful musical, The Critical Last Chance Years, slated for 2024/2025/2026, the preproduction of the theatre project The Epiphany Equation, the theatre/film project Stone Flowers, and her new music recording, Project Firefly.
Laine is always eager to collaborate on new ventures, so feel free to reach out if you’re inspired!

The Critical Last Chance Years
Amy, 50 and dream-life jinxed, grabs life by the balls, and parties like a cool aunty on a musical merry-go-round!

The Epiphany Equation
Becoming a complete human mess in Scotland is the wake-up call Melody needs to change her life. Dunphee McDuff, is ready to give her the nudge (or shove) she needs to let go of the old and embrace the new.